In my creative work, I focus on the tension between the potential meaning of my works, their ambiguity and the emotions of the viewer: a reverie over the fleeting and fragile nature of being, the beauty and power of nature, and its relations with culture. Culture which creates, enriches, but at the same time has a destructive potential.
I paint and design visual communication, posters and lettering. The trademark of Bartek Bałut's work is an organic expressive splash with a rich structure and intriguing chromaticism, materialised in abstract wide-swept pieces in the form of watercolour on paper.
Bartek Bałut is a graduate of the Painting Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, an assistant professor at the Painting Faculty, and has his own lettering and typography studio. He is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnów.
About my paintings
I like paper touched with coloured water.
I like working with splashes, cherishing, but never drowning them, as they need to retain their natural self. The bare minimum for a painting to emerge; yet I want it to live somewhere inside: taking somewhat from me, but at the same time being already out of me.
I do not want my paintings to speak about the world; I just let them be a part of it, living in the imagination and memory of others. It is already a lot.
I was raised on landscapes and figurative painting, which is undoubtedly still visible in my work. However, my main interest is the tension between the potential meanings of my works, their ambiguity, and the emotions of the viewers, whose reflections lead to a reverie over the fleeting and fragile nature of being, the beauty and strength of nature, and its relations with culture. Culture which creates, enriches, but at the same time has a destructive potential. All depending on our intentions and sensitivity.

Major artistic achievements
Immersed in colour – an individual painting exhibition, Mała Galeria, Państwowe Liceum Sztuk Plastycznych im. Józefa Chełmońskiego, Nałęczów, Poland
A cycle of posters entitled Cycling Giants – permanent exhibition of the cycle in the Trek bicycle showroom – Fabryka Rowerów, Częstochowa, Poland
Bartek Bałut – NO GRAVITY – an individual painting exhibition, Galeria Curators Lab, UAP in Poznań, Poland [link]
Kafka 2024, Slova a Tváře – collective exhibition, Galerie 9, Praga, Czech Republic [link]
Currently – „Cycling Giants," a poster cycle – a permanent exhibition planned to start in January 2022 at Salon Trek – Polska in Częstochowa
A cycle of posters entitled „Dusze Ziemi Tarnowskiej" („The Spirits of Tarnów") – a solo exhibition at Bema20 Gallery in Tarnów and bistro Sofa gallery in Tarnów
Participation in „Bez Limitu" („No Limit”) international exhibition – Dom Umeni Opava
„Landscape with Poland in the background" – participation in a group exhibition, Galeria ASP Bronowice
Nowa Huta Cultural Centre – participation in „Młoda Akademia" („Young Academy”) exhibition on the 200-year anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
Participation in the „Kafka – Przełamywanie Granic" („Kafka – Breaking Barriers) project, a group exhibition at Elektrownia Contemporary Art Gallery in Czeladź
Solvay Centre of Contemporary Art in Krakow – an individual painting exhibition
Art Exhibition Office in Tarnów – an individual painting exhibition
District Museum in Tarnów – an individual painting exhibition
Galeria za Szybą, Wrocław – an individual painting exhibition
Art Exhibition Office, City Gallery in Tarnów – a painting exhibition with Janusz Janczy
Pienkow Art Gallery Knoxville, Tennessee, USA – an individual painting exhibition
Award in the 3rd edition of the National AMS Poster Gallery Contest for the poster „Bądź mądry – czytaj prasę" („Be wise – read the press")
Special award in the 4th edition of the National AMS Poster Gallery Contest for the poster „Jestem cool mimo kul" („Staying cool in spite of bullets")
„Gil" Gallery, Cracow University of Technology – an individual painting exhibition
„Krypta u Pijarów" Gallery; an exhibition of works by young Krakow artists: „Na obraz i podobieństwo, Inspiracje Biblijne" („In Image and Likeness: Biblical inspirations")
Art Palace in Krakow; „Sześć ciał" („Six Bodies") – a painting exhibition of an informal group of young painters, graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
Galeria Młodych Gazety Antykwarycznej [Gallery of Young Artists of the Antiquity Paper], Krakow; a painting exhibition for the gallery's inauguration
Gallery of the Academy of Performance Arts in Krakow – an individual painting exhibition
Selected projects

- Logotype of LightArt Lighting Systems brand
- Corporate identity for the company WIALAN Wiatr i Langer Spółka Jawna
- Visuals of the 8th International Dance Theatres Festival, SCENA OTWARTA Mościce Arts Centre
- Corporate identity system of the District Museum in Tarnów
- Design of a large-scale neon on the façade of Marzenie Cinema in Tarnów; press article: www.whitemad.pl
- Visuals of the 24th Galicjaner Sztetl Memorial Days of Galician Jews
- Visuals of the Night of Museums in Tarnów
- Visual identification of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnów
- Corporate identity system of the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnów (together with Joanna Tyborowska)
- Main identification of 1 Open Eyes Art Festiwal, Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
In 2017, Bartłomiej Bałut received the Award of the Mayor of Tarnów for his artistic achievements, and in 2018 a scholarship from the City of Tarnów in artistic work.